Day 11 marked our first full day out of 4 in Vancouver and so we tried to cram in as much as possible today.
Brunch at Catch 22
We kicked things off by heading out for brunch at Catch 22 in Gastown which had been recommended to us on Twitter.

The restaurant/cafe was really well designed, the service was great and the food was packed with flavour, loved it!
Exploring Gastown and the Steam Clock
Having fuelled up for the day we walked the streets of Gastown and saw some of the key sights including the Steam Clock, Gassy Jack statue and Blood Alley.

Having explored Gastown we headed across to Chinatown and in our state of being lost managed to accidentally walk straight through the worst part of the city which was fully of drug addicts, prostitutes and homeless – it felt really unsafe and to make it worse we were carrying expensive DSLR cameras and phones in full view, a mugging waiting to happen, oops!
Having survived we went and looked at some of sights of Chinatown.

We also headed in to Dr-Sun Yat-Sen Park which was really relaxing containing bamboo displays, ponds and koi carp.

We walked up through Chinatown, past the Rogers Arena and BC Place before reaching the Quayside Harbour.
Quayside Marina
The marina really needs little explanation, it was full of fancy, expensive yachts!

From the marina we then walked through David Lam Park and George Wainborn Park, under Granville Bridge and found the aqua bus to cross over to Granville Island.

Aqua bus to Granville Island
Granville Island is a pretty cool place. It’s got a really arty scene about it so there are lots of street musicians and artists to keep you entertained.

Whilst on the island we grabbed some lunch from the market and sat looking out across the bay.

Dinner at Salam Bombay
Our final stop of the day was heading out for an Indian meal at Salam Bombay. Located just around the corner from the hotel it was really convenient to get to and again had been a Twitter recommendation. The restaurant was really smart and the food tasted great, well worth waiting for having walked a whopping 24k steps today!

Exhausted, we passed up the opportunity to head for drinks this evening and returned to the hotel for a lie down!
Tomorrow is another big day, time to get some energy levels back…
Follow our Canadian journey
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14